Research: Learning outcomes
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Describe the differences between research, audit and service evaluation.
- Write research aims and objectives.
- Explain how qualitative and quantitative research approaches differ.
- Write a research protocol including the background to your study, the methods and timetable.
- Design a questionnaire.
- Describe how to conduct research interviews.
- Disseminate your research findings.
You should allow 30-45 minutes to complete this tutorial.
This tutorial is aimed at hospital foundation pharmacists, but if you are a trainee pharmacist it may help you achieve GPhC learning outcome 55 Take part in research activities, audit, service evaluation and quality improvement, and demonstrate how these are used to improve care and services.
If you are a foundation pharmacist, this tutorial may assist with meeting the RPS framework competency 8.4 Seeks to be involved in research activities actively disseminates outcomes to
appropriate audiences
Continuing professional development
Finally, find out if you have a research lead in your department or division/directorate and ask them about their role. The following questions may be helpful prompts:
★ Are there opportunities for you to undertake research?
★ Could you study for a postgraduate research qualification?
★ Could you help to supervise a trainee pharmacist project with a more experienced pharmacist?
★ What are the research priorities for your department and your Trust?
★ Does your department support the running of clinical trials involving medicines?