Pharmacogenomics: Next steps in learning...
In addition to the entry level content signposted to on the Remind me of the science page of this topic, NHS England Genomics Education has a range of more advanced material including online courses, videos and podcasts. You can click on the ‘resource type’ or the ‘curated collection’ and select ‘pharmacy’ as a profession to view content. A recommended listen on this site is Prof. Anneke Lucassen’s podcast on the considerations around ethics and data in relation to genomic healthcare; the target audience is the nursing profession but it is also relevant to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.The Genomics England site also has lots of really helpful information about the topic more broadly including a range of podcasts and blogs. Their diverse data initiative aims to improve access to personalised medicine for all patients regardless of their background.
CPPE have launched an e-learning programme on consulting with patients on the topic of genomics. Allow 2.5 hours to complete the programme.

Read the Personalised
prescribing report (2022) from the Royal College of Physicians and British
Pharmacological Society which is gives recommendations on how the NHS should optimise
medicines use for all patients using pharmacogenomics.
The elearning for healthcare website has a module on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products. If you have had limited experience of working with genomic information, you may find the introductory modules including the one on CAR-T interesting.
Explore the PharmVar
website which is a repository for pharmacogenomic gene nomenclature used by
other sites.
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