Teaching: Learning outcomes
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Describe how to establish what your learners need to learn.
- Write clear learning outcomes.
- Choose effective teaching methods.
- Plan and develop a teaching session.
- Present more effectively.
- Describe how to give feedback well.

If you are a hospital trainee pharmacist, this tutorial may help you achieve GPhC learning outcomes such as this:
- LO 54 Support the learning and development of others, including through mentoring
If you are a foundation pharmacist, this tutorial may help you to achieve certain competencies from the RPS framework including:
- 1.2 Provides the multidisciplinary team with information and education, for example, on clinical, legal and governance aspects of medicines.
- 4.1 Acts as a role model, mentoring and leading others within the multidisciplinary team, where appropriate.
- 5.6 Effectively uses own expertise to provide guidance, support or supervision for less experienced members of the multidisciplinary team.
Continuing professional development
Finally, here are CPD activities you could consider:
★ Prepare and deliver a teaching session on a topic that you are familiar with. As you will learn from completing this tutorial, one of the most effective methods of mastering a new skill is to practise that skill! Ask your learners for feedback on your session.
★ Look for an opportunity to give some unplanned one-to-one learning. Maybe a colleague is asked to screen a prescription for a medicine they have not encountered before. As you are familiar with the medicine, you can establish what they know already using open, probing questions and then fill in the gaps.
★ The next time you are being taught, reflect upon the experience afterwards. Did the session cover what you needed to know? Did the teacher make it clear at the start what you would learn as a result? How effective was the session in helping you to remember the material? Would you have done anything differently?
★ Ask for permission to
listen in on an experienced training colleague giving feedback to a trainee.
Where and when did the feedback happen? How was the conversation structured?
What language did the trainer use?