Adverse reactions: Learning exercises
Real clinical problems
Look at these real clinical problems and decide what further questions you’d ask and where you would look for information.
When you’re ready, here are our suggested answers. Do you agree? If you want to, you could talk to your tutor or a colleague about them or record them as a CPD exercise.
When you’re ready, here are our suggested answers. Do you agree? If you want to, you could talk to your tutor or a colleague about them or record them as a CPD exercise.
Additional learning

1. Basic principles - definition, impact on patients and healthcare, frequency, patient factors affecting risk.
2. Categorisation - includes the difference between dose related, predictable reactions and those that are not.
3. Drug allergy classification - the types of allergy, its identification, and the risk factors for developing it.
4. Diagnosis, interpretation, and management - differentiating a drug cause from a non-drug cause, and basic options for management.
5. Avoiding adverse drug reactions - risk factors predisposing to adverse reactions, and methods of monitoring.
6. Pharmacovigilance - how medicines are monitored after their initial launch.
Do an enquiry in a Medicines Information (MI) centre